Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I want to be able to say what I want when I want to say it

As parent and as an adult, I feel my voice is fading into oblivion.  Schools at even at a young age group are teaching things that not everyone would agree with.  They teach things like spanking is abuse, family can mean any kind of parents, and that bullying is wrong.  They teach things like we came from monkeys, the only purpose of life are to have fun, and soda will make you fat.  Teachers have to be politically correct in every aspect of speech to the point of not speaking the truth and they are so scared of being sued by a parent that they cannot teach what they feel is right.  I ask you as adults, How is having a central view on life be a good thing for every family?  We as a nation need to come back to God and back to true family values.  Things like reading the bible on a nightly basis, having family dinners, and a parents right to say what they think their children need to grow into proper adults are becoming things of the past.  We are now forced into being politically correct about everything.  We cannot say certain words, post positive messages if they come from the Bible in a classroom or choose what we feel is right in our family discipline practices because we can be demeaned politically incorrect, sued or arrested.  This is happening not only in school but in the work place and everyday life as well.  We are being forced into being so politically correct in our speech and teachings, that it feels like we have forgotten we are all different. With different values, and different outlooks on life.  They say that we have freedom of speech but what it is turning into is freedom - of what government thinks everyone wants to hear- type of speech.  And This is not right.  Nobody should be forced into being politically correct.  I believe that fast food restaurant should be able to serve what they want to serve; I believe that schools should teach what they want to teach; I believe that parents should raise their children however they see fit; I believe everyone big or small should have every opportunity to feel the sting of failure; I believe that everyone should be able to feel the hurt of bullying from another at one point in their life for without knowing the bad you cannot appreciate the good.  Our nation has been one of diversity and we should not lose that.  We need to become less sensitive and less politically correct before we lose all that make us unique.  We are unique unlike anyone else and it’s time to starting acting like it.