Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Everyone has the ability to control their own actions.  I do not believe that people can just "snap" or go temporarily insane and do something they would never do.  Is it a parent's fault when a child flies so far of the deep end that there is no return?  Or is he just a victim of his own mind?  Is it nature or nurture that affects people?

Take the act of bullying for example, is it wrong . . .  yeah.  Does it hurt people . . . .  yeah but is it really the school/government's responsibility or the responsibility of the parents to curb the action?  I believe as a Godly woman and parent that it is my own responsibility to properly train my children how to behave.  Teach them how to treat others with respect, to treat others the way you would want to be treated, to have control over there own actions, and allow them to see how their actions affect themselves and those around them.  Now I think that I'm doing a pretty good job, but compared to what or whom?

Compared to an "evil", Godless family, I am so far right they probably can not even see me, but to some other families I am failing miserably.  Compared to God as a father I am no where close though I try.  So how do we measure this idea of a "good or normal" family?  It is by the way we talk to each other, by the way we treat each other, how we treat those outside our family, by our values, and by our morals.

Everyone actions have a negative or positive reaction.  Some actions have such an impact that they affect people you have never even met.  It is safe to say that negative things in life are never pleasant and if we had a choice I can guarantee we would always choose the positive side of things, however through the negative we must make it positive.  We must learn from it and understand that we may never know why it happened, understand that sometimes the worse things happen to the weak to make them stronger, and the worse things happen to the proud to humble them.  We need to forgive someone for their wrong doings even before they ask and I am beginning to fear that this is lost attribute for people to understand.

We are so quick to judge, point the finger and look at someone else to blame OUR actions on.  Actions are your own, they came from you, from your own mind,  and your own hand.  If we were to learn that we are the only ones responsible for our own actions and to accept the results of those actions with no questions asked, we just might become better people. . . . . . . .

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