Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Ever just feel like writing

Yes writing a blog feels a little like I am writing in my dairy however this gets posted to a site with millions, and millions of people.  The internet is kinda like what I thought of space when I was little, it just goes on forever there is no end in sight.  I wonder what would it be like if everything just failed, and we were back to using oil lamps, and smoke signals. Life would be slow, quiet, and simple.  Talk about getting back to what matters, being with your family and making it fun with just you guys!

Everyone always talks about "going green" or extending your life span, when are these retards going to figure out, it's life, it ends, that's a fact, end of story; so shouldn't we be having fun, and enjoying each other's company for the short time we are actually alive?  My second grader came home from school with this to say "the kids in my class asked 'why does your mom always give you fruit snacks (the gummy ones)  food to eat? your going to get fat by eating that'."  Um yeah excuse me your in second grade kid, why do you care???  O that's right you have parents who are lazy and don't watch you, so you go home and play 5 hours of video games while eating the family sized bag of potato chips.  That could be the problem, yeah? How is a snack of 6 gummy bears, and a fruit by the foot going to make my kid fat, when my kids are active all day . . . . .   and most the night, aw hell 24/7??

Guess what people, and I'm going to probably piss off some people here, but shhhhh I'm going to tell you a secret, come here. . . . . . . . . . . I ACTUALLY TELL MY KIDS NO.  O yeah I just went there, what the heck is wrong with parents today.  When did "no" because a dreaded cuss word???? Seriously, I'm not my kid's friend, I'm the parent, I'm the boss, and I'm the one in charge.  O here's another one that might just get me in trouble, my kids get punishments when they mis-behave.  How else are they going to learn, o and there is a deference between abuse and a spanking, but if I say anymore on the internet I'll have CPS on my butt, so I'll leave that one alone.

One more thing, it's a little scary that when you disagree with someone's point of view online or anywhere else you have this fear that one day you are going to come home and find out that someone tagged "enter your favorite cuss word" on your garage door.  It's a shame, yes you have a right to freedom of speech just as long as you stick to the cue card sir, but don't even think about saying something else or we'll sue you for defamation of character.  Doesn't really seem right huh, at least I don't think so.

And for that someone, who royally pissed me off, you know who you are, and if any of you have talked to me in the last the week or so you know who this message is for.  Here's your message a hole: you will get out of life whatever you put into it.  so I hope you enjoy your life behind bars because it's what you get, and for your brother, I heard that if you put a gun to your head with only one bullet,  it cures headaches.

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