Thursday, November 11, 2010

Home is where the Heart is

If you were to view your heart as a home, what would be in your rooms?  There is a kitchen, library, closet, bedroom with a safe, living room, and a front yard.  We all have these same rooms in our hearts, but what is in them?

 We'll start with the front yard, it is usually where you display things for the whole world to see.  It's where our great works, our accomplishments, and most of our pride goes.  It is the beginning of our house, the part that makes that great first impression.  I know what's in mine, and spend more than ten minutes talking to me and I am sure that you will know too.  Not that I an a prideful person but I have no problem telling people where I came from.  My front yard surprisingly has two divorce's in it, and I have gotten through them both with the help of prayer.  They were very close to me, in fact one of them was my own.  I left him after 5 years and with 3 children in tow, and it was the best thing I could have ever done in my life.  Do not feel sorry for me or my children we are better because of it, we were saved from a horrible fate and I have never been more thankful for having the strength to leave.  The other major thing is facts about my DNA.  Yes I have a different father than my siblings and again I have had the strength to deal with it, not my own strength but God's.  Now everything we put in our in front yard is different but always has the same meaning, it's what we hold with pride and we want to share with everyone.

We will stop in the living room next.  It is the room for conversations, visiting, and the one with the coffee table.  The coffee table always has things to read or just a place to rest your feet and get comfortable.  What is on that table in your heart?  What is sitting on my coffee table is "domestic abuse: it hurts everyone" now this is something I would not have said to the whole world, but only to someone who was lucky enough to be invited into my living room.  Again at this point not a whole lot us would have a problem talking to people and telling them things about our life, however this is only for a special few whom we some what trust and have invited into our home.

Our next stop is the kitchen, now this is the room.  It always seems like everyone ends up in the kitchen,  It's were we eat, drink and make marry.  But this is also where you feed your guests, what do you feed them?  Is it something that is so hard to sallow they leave or is it something that goes down easy that they don't take you seriously and leave for another house?  My personal favorite is serving my guest's something that they want to taste, but somehow it's so bitter that they want to spit it out but they can't.  Little do they know that this is the best thing they could have ever tasted and are better because of it.  In my kitchen I serve a realism, something that isn't harsh or hurtful as you taste it, yes it does bitters in the middle, but if you can hold it in long enough it will be the sweetest thing you have ever had.  

Now the library is a different than the rest, only the special kind of people get invited to this room.  It's were you keep your books and computer, it's somewhat hidden.  The things in that room are not visible to others as well as the other rooms, it's where you start keeping your secrets.  The books and files that you have but keep under different names, they are hidden in plain sight that only certain people and yourself know what then mean.  Sometimes they are so horrible that you file them under "everything is just fine" and you use the title of that book or file when things are so bad you want to scream yet you can't.

The bedroom and safe is a room that you and normally one other person get to see.  There are things that go on in that room that most of us want no one knowing about. We tend to let one special person in this room, but even they can be shut out if they speak about the things in this room.  If that person was to speak about the things in the bedroom we would be heartbroken, which is why we always are when they betray that trust.  However when you trust that person with the information in the is room and they don't tell anyone that's how you know they truly love you.

That brings us to the closet, it is the one room nobody but you knows what is it.  It holds the things that you would never tell anyone even the person that was allowed in the bedroom.  The door is normally dead locked and never to be opened.  There are things in there that no one will ever know about, it is the darkest deepest room of our hearts.  Every other room has at least a window, and a door with just simple lock, however the closet is the room where our secrets are held.  So what are you hiding in your closet?  Don't even get me started on mine . . . . . . . though I probably would not ever tell you

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